Monday, September 6, 2010

Perfect days. April 18th 2010

So this is my second perfect day. On a perfect day for me everything just flows and goes the way it should, and even if it isn't the way I think it's supposed to be, I sort of know it is right and it is exactly what supposed to happen. It's not always perfectly good, but it's right, and just perfect in the universe that things that need to occur.
Anyway April 18th was the second one, and I wrote the poem about the first two.
I am counting perfect days

Breathing deep in the gifts they have given
Where I hold you
When you are hurt and angry
Only realizing later
That I might have played a part in you feeling that way.

Where I wear my favorite skirt
and feel dust and dirt blow against it while walking.
Where cars stop to collect lost children
only to deposit them safely where they belong
Where I have a place to rest until it is time to move on
Where we sit with the bodhisattva
and thank him as he listens to our trials

Where I notice someone’s absence from a circle
and later the group talks of their impending loss
Where I am a mess and am told
“you are at home here”
Where I wrap my arms tightly around you
after you let my heart flow
Where we speak truth even though it may not always feel kind

Where I lay on my belly and listen to your stories.
Where you hug me and we’re okay no matter what others think
Where we have dinner together
and you smile that wonderful smile
Where I speak and twirl, and love and share
Where gongs punctuate well spoken statements
Where strawberries fall into my hands.

Where I ask a schizophrenic man for help
and in turn learn how to cook a new dish
Where plans are made for needs to be tended to.

And then when I walk away, partway through a meal
because I life is pressing,
When you accept that and still wish me well.
When you are there in the background
with a beauty that I have yet to fully discover
When I begin to clear away the mess that has been created
And when we learn to wait in anticipation for a delicious future
I am counting on perfect days
One…. Two

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