Monday, September 6, 2010

9/4/09-9/7/09 Worcester,MA & Amsterdam, NY Potluck party in the park and imaginary birthday cakes

So this year marked the third annual version of Liz's potluck party in the park. It was attended by humans, a bird, a cat, and sadly mosquitoes.
(Jillian, bird, Sue, Kitty Suzebell, Melissa)
I had people I know from various parts of my life come together for food cake, and dancing in Institute park.

John my neighbor brought over his grill.
Pat, one of my co-workers made me a cake like she would make for her kids birthdays.

Rich & Carl pondering the universe (or maybe pondering what to eat next)
Cole, Babybear & Jen
Leila and Jacob with the bird
I like this Pic because it has Kelly Jen, Baby bear, and Plet in the background.

There are a few people I didn't get good pictures of and I'm sorry.
There was a full moon in the sky that night And at the end of the night I made bunches of people dance with me. It's good my friends love me so much.

It was silly and fun.
I went to my hometown that weekend so i could spend part of my birthday with my parents. I was also in luck because Chele's family was stopping by Amsterdam on their way to NYC and I got to see them on the 7th which is my actual birthday.

We had cake and story time with my family and Chele's
Chele took what is one of my favorite pictures of the two of us (and one of my favorite pictures of me)

And then Miss Emma got in on the action.

After that we went outside. Anna who at the time was my favorite 3 year old in the world made me 74 imaginary cakes for my birthday.
Then there was bubbles,

silly tricks with Anna and her dad


and by the time we finished that we were tired, so Emma had daddy time and after laying down in the grass for a bit with her mom Anna and I talked about how I would see her on her birthday.

It made for lots of birthday happy.

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