Lindsey was there for Shane's part of the show, and then Kelly was there for the second. Also I think the first time I spent any time hanging out with Dave and Greg. Dave and Greg are both musicians. Greg plays in a band called Nemes, but he also plays what I call sad Greg songs under "speaker for the dead" I know that term because I've read a lot of sci fi, and I asked him if it came from that. He told me why he named his band that, and it's a worthwile story, but you should e-mail him and ask if you want to know. or look up speaker for the dead on facebook.
Dave I had met and seen play before that night, but had only talked a little bit at the Dirty Gerund before that night, mostly to say a more elaborate version of "hey Liz I like your poem" & "hey Dave I like your song"
The song I like is really good though. I had told him it should be on the radio. You can judge for yourself.
His other stuff is good too, but that's my favorite. He has a website too.
That night we discussed cartoons and pop culture. It was fun.
Anyways from there I went home to get my tattoo. I took the train because things in my car had broken to the point where the cost to repair it was more than it was worth, so I sold it cheap to someone who just needed to get through another year while saving a new one, and I went to my hometown to pick up a car.
Now the train ride was pretty interesting. I didn't have a ticket right away, so i ended up getting one cheaper in Springfield just because they changed me the springfield price. I also learned that I could take the train from Worcester to Chicago if I wanted sometime. I may have to. It would be nice to go to Chicago and not have to drive.
Then I met Bill and his co-worker.
I thought this was a cool story for a train ride.
My dad picked me up at the train station.
I had a stop to make. I had written one of my old friends into one of my poems, and had to go read it to her in person. This is Sandy.
We hadn't talked too much at length before I stopped by, but she would bump into my parents and chat a bit. She got married to a boy Chele and I used to watch swim in high school.
He wouldn't let me take his picture, but I got a picture of his spiderman pajamas.
The next day my parents went to church or off somewhere, and I went to visit the Meineckes, and see how preperations for James' wedding was going.
according to his mom it was busy but a work in progress
Mrs. Meinecke upon hearing about my tattoo adventure plans wanted to go with me, but I had some misinformation about where my tattoo artist was working, so she didn't get to. Instead Rachel stopped by. Rachel is James' sister
My tattoo artist was also someone I wrote into my poem. I've known him since i was 13. His partner at the time was pregnant, and he's trying to save up to get his own shop. I figured for my first tattoo it would be nice if it was someone i knew and could trust a decent amount.
It didn't hurt too bad. It was kind of a test tattoo for a big one I want to get. But that will require more time, and I'll probably go with a local artist because I don't have the time to go back repeatedly to home, and won't want to travel after getting that much work.
It was an interesting homecoming, and I was glad the people I wrote into my poetry appreciated it.
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