Tuesday, July 8, 2008

7/7/08 Montana, Idaho, Washington & a baby

Chapter 12: In which a child is born, and the world seems beautiful.
Montana was too cold to sleep in (or rather Liz learned that her sleeping bag was not meant for cold weather), so I was up at 4:30AM. However I made fire and foraged through the forest to sustain it for 3.5 hours until everybody else got up and I could get to the wood under where Curt slept in the car. In the meantime I wrote a postcard to my supervisor about her home state, and grabbed this lovely shot of Montana sunrise.
We drove most of the day and at a rest stop in Idaho I got a text message saying Jen had a baby boy. I ran screaming into the parking lot almost getting run over to tell Curt and Ria. I knew that Bean was going to arrive before I got back. Bean is a beautiful boy. I later learned his name was Harrison Katahdin, which is a good strong name.
We drove through Washington, and captured shots of some of the mountains.
We then went on to Seattle, at which point Tomtom led us to Dan's house. While we were one Dan's street we passed the house and I thought
That looks like a house Dan would live in.
And from the porch I saw a girl and thought that looks like a girl Dan would live with.
And I was right on both counts.
Dan's porch has AMAZING VIEWS. Initially I had planned for Dan and Jacob and my traveling companions to go out for sushi, but Jacob had to get up early so he couldn't come by the time i finally got a hold of him after we all were done excitedly talking, and admiring those views. So Dan, his housemates, his friend Steve, and Curt and Ria and myself all walked down towards conveyor belt Sushi, but the wait was crazy, and we were kind of hungry. So we ordered Chinese food instead, and went ot Dan's house. I don't remember much after that because I ate my Chinese food and fell asleep on the couch. (This is what happens when Montana wakes you up at 4:30AM! ) I remember waking up having found that my traveling companions had nicely brought in my stuff from the car, and me finding my Pjs and heading up to the futon upstairs.
Next up: More Seattle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His name is Harrison Katahdin Bailey born 4:14AM Monday morning 7/7/08