Tuesday, July 8, 2008

7/8/08 Seattle

Chapter 13: In which Curt makes a new friend, and the ladies are given some good reasons why they should return to Seattle
We woke up at a reasonable hour. I slept in past 6AM which was great. Dan is not an early riser.
I got my drawing time in, and managed to get through their tour poster, although it took a few tries to get the gears and the circle right. And even though Dan was still snoozing Brian, his housemate, made us dutch pancakes, which made for a most excellent breakfast.
It was a rather relaxed morning. Ria did get up and got dressed, but then was sucked back into sleep by Steve McQueen the cat.
After drawing I got myself ready for the day, by then it was close to 10:30, and I decided it was time to pounce Dan. Ria and I woke him up and tried to get him moving, but he almost succeeded in luring us back into sleep. Dan apparently is not so much a morning person, although he said that if his alarm clock involved two women jumping on his bed he would probably wake up more readily each morning.
Dan got coffee, and woke up while I attempted to use his computer. Dan's house comes with a learning curve, and his computer is included in that. It has two screens, and when i first got there the keyboard wasn't plugged in. The there was the fact that his keyboard is split in two with the enter and space keys in the middle. It was rather interesting.
Other aspects of the house that come with a learning curve include the non-sliding yet supposed to be sliding door between upstairs and downstairs. Steve McQueen, sensing my weakness at one point tried to make a break for it through the door. Curt wrestled him back for me, and all was well.
Before we left I finally showed Dan the scarf I had been knitting him. Before I was just telling him I had been working on present for him, but wouldn't say what. I asked him how long he wanted it, and he said as long as I could make it. (currently 7/18/08 if I hold it at the top of my 5'4" 1/2 head It comes below my knees and there is a whole ball left to knit from. I will post pictures when it is done) I also informed Dan that the scarf is 42 stitches across, and he was pleased with this.
We started our Seattle day heading for the wooden boats museum.
They show you how boats were/are made.
We wanted to go sailing, but apparently they hadn't gotten everything back together from the 4th of July celebration. So instead of Sailing we looked at boats and the water jealously. And this is when I said "Well I guess I'll just have to come back to Seattle some other time." The whens and the specifics of it are up for grabs, but some other time Seattle, Some other time.
We headed back to the house before venturing out towards the Seattle center. Where I got a better shot of the needle, and we decided because it was so hot to ride a water flume ride.
It was was fun, although we almost got stuck on one of the uphills.
After our water ride we headed for the sci-fi museum.
Complete with giant robot on top attacking the building.
Sadly there were no pictures allowed inside, but it was a pretty cool place to visit, and gave Ria and I ideas about thigns to read or see. Dan and Curt seemed to enjoy the museum as well. I think Dan and Curt bonded. I told Curt he was going to like Dan, but I underestimated how much they would end up talking about so many different subjects. Then again they are both very creative about mechanical things and into sci-fi type stuff.
After the Sci Fi museum we spent about 10 minutes in the Experience Music Project. We spent at least 9 of those 10 minutes in a theater where they were talking about Jimi Hendrix, mostly because the theater had a place where we could sit. We were kind of tired. Dan was done for the day, because he has had health issues with chronic nerve pain, and he had hit his limit. Ria gave him some massage love on the walk home.
Initially we were going to try for Pike place Market, but Jacob had gotten Ria and I tickets to see Hellboy II before it came out, and we did not have time to go to pike place, get to the airport to drop off Curt, and get to the theater. SO instead we spent some more time at Dan's house chilling and relaxing. According to Dan the biggest thing we missed was watching some guys throw fish at each other. I was okay with missing that especially since I already know I need to come back to Seattle some other time.
We dropped Curt off at the airport, safe and sound, and gave our goodbye hugs, and set him on his way.
We then attempted to find the theater where Jacob was at, and learned that Tomtom and Seattle do not get along. Ria continued to be an excellent city driver, and we got there way before the movie started. Jacob got us sandwich from the Japanese market, and I ate a noodle sandwich which I believe is called Yakisoba. I loved the fact that i was eating a noodle sandwich. I don't even remember if I liked it on taste, but on the novelty of it I was completely satisfied.
Hellboy II was a decent summer flick, and had some funny moments.
However during our screening the film broke at one point.
All our passes were free, but Jacob was demanding his non-existant money back until they fixed the issue. It was funny, because when it first happened it looked like a screen effect, but then we had to wait. Foo on waiting. It was kind of okay because I didn't get a lot of time to talk with Jacob before hand so we talked a little at the break.
By the time the show ended it was kind of late. We drove back to Jake and Daria's apartment. We ate cookies, toasted, and Jacob and Ria and I talked A LOT, yet still not quite enough. Again why I have to go back to Seattle sometime. I asked Jacob if he would read to us from American Gods and he did right before we went to sleep.
It was a very good night, and I wished it could have lasted longer. Jacob finished reading shortly after midnight, and we all went to sleep because we had to be up at a reasonable hour.
Next up: goodbyes in Seattle WA, then Portland & Ashland OR

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