Saturday, July 5, 2008

AWESOME 4th of July South Dakota, & Wyoming

Chapter 9: In which the ladies have an all American day.
I woke Ria up at 5:30 in the morning, because the sunrise in the Badlands is not to be missed. unfortunately my camera was at the moment, so I got this one a little later.
Before we left the campsite I had to get a picture of the wild sunflowers I had seen the night before when we went to the talk.
We drove through the other half that we had not seen the day before, and much of it was the same, so again I will try to limit photos.
(the last one being yet another place I climbed on top of)
Then we ran into some of the local wildlife
the last one seemed to pose for us
And here is my last look picture for the badlands.
We drove out through Wall SD which is famous for Wall Drug, which is right outside the Badlands.
They have everything including a giant fake dinosaur
After Wall it was on to Mt Rushmore. Might I add that if you are not a fan of crowds Mt Rushmore on the 4th of July is a bit much. It was around this time that I started referring to my water bottle as my defensive weapon. (It was later when I was more sleep deprived that I referred to it as an offensive weapon.)
Mt Rushmore was quite nice. They had a Native American band playing their fusion of traditional native American Music and contemporary stuff. It was pretty cool. They also had a ranger who explained how the Lakota, Dakota & Nakota were all the same tribe, just pronounced with different dialects.
And OF COURSE there are the obligatory Mt Rushmore Pictures.
From far away in looks like Teddy and Lincoln are giving each other Eskimo kisses.
Not so much when you get a little closer.
I got this cool shot from inside a rock there.

And of course the tourist shot.
We learned about the guy who came up with the sculpture and measurements for this, and visited his studio. Gutzon Borglum
This was a nice segue into our next stop which was the crazy horse monument. The guy who took this task on worked for Borglum for a while. His name was Korczak Ziółkowski
He has since died, but his wife and kids have taken up the work. It's slow going. He is what it looks like thus far.
This is the model for how they want it to turn out.
They have a lot of information about Native American's there as well. I think it is a great idea to honor the Native Americans this way.
After the Crazy Horse Monument we were hot and were considering going to water park, but it was a bit out of our way. Instead we went to a lake on the side of the road and swam with another family. I reminded me of swimming at my Aunt & Uncle's camp with my family. It made for a really nice 4th.
We then went to Deadwood, in which we saw ...........not much.
We kept driving through because nothign attracted our attention. We made it all the way to a KOA in Sheridan Wyoming that night.
All in all It was a pretty perfect 4th of July.
Next up: Yellowstone

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