Sunday, July 13, 2008

7/12/08, & 7/13/08: New York, & Massachusetts

Epilogue: In which Liz after spending time with her family of friends, gets to spend a little time and get and give some love to the family she was born into.
I flew into Philly, and my phone was dying. I found a work station and spent a half hour napping there with my elbow on my phone (which was plugged into the outlet) and my foot on my bag before moving over to the area where they were to call us onto the plane.
I slept on the second plane ride too.
My dad picked me up in Syracuse, and we had time to briefly stop at the hotel where they stayed before heading to the family picnic. I was grateful.
The family picnic is no small affair. we are approaching 100 descendants, spouses etc. of my maternal grandfather & grandmother
We need name tags it's so big.
But I know pretty much everybody. They are family, and there are some pretty terrific people among them. I grew up an only child who sort of had siblings for certain years, as a member of a huge extended family that gets together once a year, and I think only once in my lifetime have I missed the picnic. I think having an extended family so large, has taught me a lot about how people come to accept one another and loving each other even when you disagree. And because none of them are my brothers and sisters I never was too close for too long that it really could get under my skin. Out side of my mom and dad, the part of my family I am closest to are the Kubas. They are the people I was thinking about on the 4th of July when swimming in a lake near this family with a whole bunch of kids.
My aunt and uncle have 4 kids, 3 of whom came, but I did not get Bobby in the pictures.
Kat brought Amanda (the blond) and Bill brought his whole family but this picture just has him and Ella and Juni.
And here's the rest of Bill's family (Danielle & Alex) .
Mostly I see them at Thanksgiving, and the picnic. It's amazing how much change can happen in that time. Ella seemed so much more mature to me it was surprising.
I'm also still pretty close with Juleen & Pete's family.
Juleen is my cousin, and about ten years ago I lived with their family for a month while doing a college internship at a hospital in Syracuse. It created some interesting bonds, because I still have big sister feelings towards their kids.
Steph at the time was 6.
She is currently heading into her junior year of high school. Please note that Steph's parents have very dark hair and my lovely dear cousin typically has a similar very dark brown almost black hair. However as I said she's heading into her junior year. She's thinking of going pink or clownish red. I suggested blue, as it has looked so lovely on a number of my friends in the past. She's an awesome kid, and like I said she brings out the big sister in me (This is the kid who at six I told to tell the monsters under the bed that they weren't allowed to touch her because too many people loved her), so I have to brag about her being all kinds of talented as well as cool.
See below the video of Steph singing with her best friend

Danny was 8 when I lived with them, and this year being as he was almost the age I was when I stayed with them I teased him a little about when I did stay with them how he and Steph would jump on me on the weekends, and what it would be like if he was woken up by a 6 & and 8 year old that way. But for me at the time it was okay because they were great kids. Danny is going to try to go to Australia, and I hope I get to see him again before he goes.
Andrew was 12 at the time, and avoided homework masterfully at the time. He is one semester away from graduating from college and heading off to figure out life.
He told me he thinks he creative writing degree will not get him very far, and that he plans to get jobs on charisma, and then said he hoped I didn't think him arrogant. I told him I don't think he's arrogant, because I can only think of about three people who might be more charismatic than he is, and with the people I know that's saying a lot.
(Side note for miss Ria: On the other people we know who are Magical count we have hit 6-7 so far in this post, which is likely why magical people don't surprise me as much.)

Joey was the oldest and a very tall teenage basketball player at the time. He was not at the picnic this year, but I hope he's happy in whatever he's up to though.

I was surprisingly awake for the picnic. I got a paper airplane award as one of the people who had traveled the farthest. I told some people about my trip. My cousin Mark told me next time I come to Ohio I HAVE TO stop by, and I would gladly, Mark's wicked cool. At one point my dad downloaded my photos so he and my mom could watch. I enjoyed seeing people, took pictures, and relaxed.

One not so great note. One of my uncles (not pictured) is sick, and likely could die soon. I got to see him, and was surprised at how different he looked. It's Juleen's father, and I know it's tough on the family.
However because of this almost all of his kids and their families came. Many had not planned to come this year, but they seemed to know it was a good idea to change plans. So there were more cousins and their families and people of all ages and it was good.
My parents and I left a little after dinner time
It was a full day, and for me, it was a full couple of weeks.
The next day I stayed home and did laundry, and spent time with my parents. We watched the rest of the photos, and my parents were pretty impressed. Apparently even though I am not a paparazzi like Curt and Ria, and though I know very little about how you should technically set up a shot, I got some good ones anyways, at least according to my dad (then again he is my dad). My mom wore the shirt I got her in Yellowstone that day. She seemed to like it. My dad seemed to like his Yellowstone cutting board too.
I had convinced my dad I was going to take the train home. I am Daddy's little girl and I knew full well that he would have driven me, but I didn't want him to have to go to all that trouble. That was the plan at least. We left for the train station early after stopping to give Z her present. When we got to the station the train was delayed an hour and 15 minutes. I didn't mind because I got to buy my dad a coffee, and sit around and talk with him. I really liked that. However after the coffee the train delay changed from an hour and 15 minutes to 2 1/2 and then maybe close to three or more due to a train derailment in Toledo, OH. I would have been getting home after midnight. My dad said "I can drive you and be back before then." and I thought about it, because well taking the train was a good idea, only being in bed before midnight was a much better idea. So my dad drove me, and instead of an hour coffee we got three hours together and dinner. It was kind of nice, and I told my dad about 5 times how awesome he was. He really is. I told him he could stay if he was too tired to drive home, but he said he would be fine. I talked with my mom on the phone for a bit after left, and settled in to being back in my place.
I feel like I've been adjusting me on the trip and me in my place back towards some ground that feels more level for both since then, and it's settled into a good place. I am definitely more appreciative after this trip. I am grateful for the good timing, and the grand adventures. I could say more, but I will leave that for the final thoughts and loose ends section.

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