Saturday, June 28, 2008

6/27/08: Worcester (meet Joie)

Chapter 2: In which we meet our traveling companion and toast our joys with friends in Worcester.
We had lunch at the Buddha Hut. It was amazing. fake meat with real textures made from soy stuff. Lots of friends of Ria's were there, including Melissa who I've become friends with over the years. Also Jonah and Erica stopped by, which was a nice treat.
After lunch was kind of a blur of activities.
We did eventually pick up the rental car
We decided to name her Joie (pronounced like joey). She seems like a good little car.

We also eventually made it over to Jen's for dinner, and I brought presents for Bean.

In case you didn't know or guess Bean is inside Jen, and will be making his or her debut sometime this July.
We had a great dinner along with Jen and Cole and Bean, Chad and Dave M stopped by, and we all stayed uplate playing apples to apples, and I got a few more pictures along the way.

Tommorow we head for NYC
Meantime i need to catch some sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's Dave's other hand?
Oh. Right. Figures.

Enjoy your trip! Post lots!