Monday, June 30, 2008

6/29/08 PA, WV and Ohio

Chapter 4. In which we take an accidental detour.
Alright, so for some reason I woke up at 6AM in PA. That reason was mostly Ria's elbow, but we will leave that issue for now. I wrote a note for the fabulous Trinket, and drew her a picture. Dave slept, and Ria tried to. When everybody woke up we had scones, and Zen, and Ria and I played paparazzi with Dave.

Dave gave us lots of advice as to where to go and recommended Wisconsin & Minnesota. He told us about how he did the American Gods tour on his road trip and gave us a bunch of places to see in Wisconsin. I didn't want to leave Dave's and I almost cried. I left because I was thinking about all the other people I was going to see. Dave rocked.
So since I was the most awake at the time I drove to start out with. I was mid Pennsylvania when Tomtom's battery died. Apparently I had plugged the wrong charger in so it never charged. But at the time Ria was sleeping, and I was mildly panicked, and decided that I should pull over at the next major city I could find. The next exit was Hershey PA. We had not planned to go there. However when in Hershey you might as well stop at the attractions. I figured out what was wrong with Tomtom after looking at the instructions, Ria woke up and we went into chocolate world

Chocolate world has a tour that you get free chocolate after. The ride has random singing cows.
It was interesting. Had lunch and a really good chocolate milkshake there. On the way out of there we stopped at the Hershey outlets so Ria could buy American Gods. As we were turning out of the outlets Ria was saying something to me about the tomtom and I was sputtering back at her because for days she was saying how she didn't trust tomtom, and now she was singing it's praises. Mid-muttering I realized that Ria was eating a very melty reese's so it went something like this "....and now you're friend's with tomtom rar rar hmmpm ....ooooh Melty!" It was rather amusing.
We then traveled through the rest of PA, taking turns reading American Gods out loud. There are cool little tunnels through the mountains in PA .
We briefly forayed into West Virginia at which point Ria freaked a little "Liz what are we doing in West Virginia. I don't trust tomtom get the map"-Ria "
Me after looking at the map "It's okay. You know ho West virginia has little pointy things at the top of it? We're in one of those"

Ria drove into Ohio and I met Ashley, Ria's former roommate. We went to Commfest in Columbus. After learning that Columbus has the second largest gay community in the US, we went to a gay bar called union, and heard part of showtunes night. Unfortunately the wait for food was to long so we went elsewhere. On the drive there, Ria started speaking about the fireworks she was seeing, while i saw nothing out the window Ria"look at the fireworks they are blue and green a purple and gorgeous" (me seeing nothing) "Are you sure you're not hallucinating?" Ria "no really I saw them, and we did see bursts of light in the distance. Columbus reminded me of upstate NY somehow.
Ashley's was a fabulous, and I slept well. that's it for tonight. On to Meg's in Michigan, but first new camera batteries because that is why there are no Ohio pictures.

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