Sunday, July 20, 2008

Final thoughts on the 2008 cross country not a rock star tour.

In which Liz wraps up some loose ends
It is 7/26/08 which means it took me about two weeks to finish updating my blog. I procrastinated on purpose for much of the time. I'd been reluctant, because writing about it keeps it alive somehow. After this I have to find other ways to keep adventure alive. I know there are plenty out there, but this adventure was very special. But life has many special things in store, they are just different.

Also the past few weeks I've been busy with lots of stuff
I dealt with most of the details of things both mundane and enjoyable.
- unpacked giant box I had mailed to myself
- printed pictures and bought a frame for a collage of friends from the trip
- put up postcards, prayer flags, and other souvenirs around my living room.
- returned the broken tent to EMS and got a replacement, plus made 10 bucks on the deal. (EMS is now officially off my S*&! list)
- Bought a new gold pencil and finished Jacob's drawing. (I will post it when he receives it.)
- Paid the bill for the rental car.
- And knitted Dan's scarf til it's almost as tall as me (it comes up to my nose)

I took time to enjoy thaty which I came home to. I came home to some terrific things, including these right outside my door. When I left there were tiger lilies (another of my favorite flowers), and when I came back there were sunflowers. I have been promised at least one sunflower on my birthday. That's pretty cool.
Also a few days after I came back I got to see Bean and even hold him.
(Bean and his mom above) (Bean and his dad below), Holding Bean was both cool and scary because I felt like his arm was getting smushed and I worried. Bean is very light, but long, and also very cute.

Also somewhere in there I managed to get sick. Surprisingly wandering about the country exposing my allergies to things they've never sniffed and getting less sleep than typical can lead to illness, who knew?

Still it hasn't stopped me. I've been pretty busy with friends since I've returned. It's been great, and helped ease the transition back. I'm trying to keep a balance of doing things that bring me joy/things I want to do, and dealing with everyday life. Work has been low-key since it is summer and kids go on vacation and often don't come to therapy in the summer. Home has been nice, and I am working on learning to relax here, and just take care of myself. It's like the trip was a boost so that I could get back into good habits around taking care of myself, my body, my heart my mind, and my own personal spaces and places. Sometimes I do okay at that, and other times the good habits fail, or get pushed out of the way by drive to meet obligations. So I'm going to try and relax take care of myself and enjoy the rest of the summer.

Which does not mean I haven't got some ideas mulling around the back of my head for the fall and the up-coming year. Believe me I have some ideas. One of the things is this winter I plan to ACTUALLY make it to a UConn Women's basketball game.
Then there's always next year's trip to plan. On Memorial day 2009 one of my cousin's is getting married in Vegas. (she's a cousin on my dad's side, so not in the pictures thus far) This means I'm going to Vegas. I've never been. I've also promised Curt that I will actually visit him in San Diego sometime during that trip because he is not that far away from Vegas. I was thinking I could combine those two stops with some traveling around the southwest (Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico) for about 9-10 days. I could potentially do it so that it would involve whoever came using about 5 days of vacation time, which isn't quite as hard as my most recent escapade.

If you're interested let me know. I won't be putting my planning brain fully into action until around January, so think about it.

That's all for the NARS tours for now
Happy journeying to you all.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

7/12/08, & 7/13/08: New York, & Massachusetts

Epilogue: In which Liz after spending time with her family of friends, gets to spend a little time and get and give some love to the family she was born into.
I flew into Philly, and my phone was dying. I found a work station and spent a half hour napping there with my elbow on my phone (which was plugged into the outlet) and my foot on my bag before moving over to the area where they were to call us onto the plane.
I slept on the second plane ride too.
My dad picked me up in Syracuse, and we had time to briefly stop at the hotel where they stayed before heading to the family picnic. I was grateful.
The family picnic is no small affair. we are approaching 100 descendants, spouses etc. of my maternal grandfather & grandmother
We need name tags it's so big.
But I know pretty much everybody. They are family, and there are some pretty terrific people among them. I grew up an only child who sort of had siblings for certain years, as a member of a huge extended family that gets together once a year, and I think only once in my lifetime have I missed the picnic. I think having an extended family so large, has taught me a lot about how people come to accept one another and loving each other even when you disagree. And because none of them are my brothers and sisters I never was too close for too long that it really could get under my skin. Out side of my mom and dad, the part of my family I am closest to are the Kubas. They are the people I was thinking about on the 4th of July when swimming in a lake near this family with a whole bunch of kids.
My aunt and uncle have 4 kids, 3 of whom came, but I did not get Bobby in the pictures.
Kat brought Amanda (the blond) and Bill brought his whole family but this picture just has him and Ella and Juni.
And here's the rest of Bill's family (Danielle & Alex) .
Mostly I see them at Thanksgiving, and the picnic. It's amazing how much change can happen in that time. Ella seemed so much more mature to me it was surprising.
I'm also still pretty close with Juleen & Pete's family.
Juleen is my cousin, and about ten years ago I lived with their family for a month while doing a college internship at a hospital in Syracuse. It created some interesting bonds, because I still have big sister feelings towards their kids.
Steph at the time was 6.
She is currently heading into her junior year of high school. Please note that Steph's parents have very dark hair and my lovely dear cousin typically has a similar very dark brown almost black hair. However as I said she's heading into her junior year. She's thinking of going pink or clownish red. I suggested blue, as it has looked so lovely on a number of my friends in the past. She's an awesome kid, and like I said she brings out the big sister in me (This is the kid who at six I told to tell the monsters under the bed that they weren't allowed to touch her because too many people loved her), so I have to brag about her being all kinds of talented as well as cool.
See below the video of Steph singing with her best friend

Danny was 8 when I lived with them, and this year being as he was almost the age I was when I stayed with them I teased him a little about when I did stay with them how he and Steph would jump on me on the weekends, and what it would be like if he was woken up by a 6 & and 8 year old that way. But for me at the time it was okay because they were great kids. Danny is going to try to go to Australia, and I hope I get to see him again before he goes.
Andrew was 12 at the time, and avoided homework masterfully at the time. He is one semester away from graduating from college and heading off to figure out life.
He told me he thinks he creative writing degree will not get him very far, and that he plans to get jobs on charisma, and then said he hoped I didn't think him arrogant. I told him I don't think he's arrogant, because I can only think of about three people who might be more charismatic than he is, and with the people I know that's saying a lot.
(Side note for miss Ria: On the other people we know who are Magical count we have hit 6-7 so far in this post, which is likely why magical people don't surprise me as much.)

Joey was the oldest and a very tall teenage basketball player at the time. He was not at the picnic this year, but I hope he's happy in whatever he's up to though.

I was surprisingly awake for the picnic. I got a paper airplane award as one of the people who had traveled the farthest. I told some people about my trip. My cousin Mark told me next time I come to Ohio I HAVE TO stop by, and I would gladly, Mark's wicked cool. At one point my dad downloaded my photos so he and my mom could watch. I enjoyed seeing people, took pictures, and relaxed.

One not so great note. One of my uncles (not pictured) is sick, and likely could die soon. I got to see him, and was surprised at how different he looked. It's Juleen's father, and I know it's tough on the family.
However because of this almost all of his kids and their families came. Many had not planned to come this year, but they seemed to know it was a good idea to change plans. So there were more cousins and their families and people of all ages and it was good.
My parents and I left a little after dinner time
It was a full day, and for me, it was a full couple of weeks.
The next day I stayed home and did laundry, and spent time with my parents. We watched the rest of the photos, and my parents were pretty impressed. Apparently even though I am not a paparazzi like Curt and Ria, and though I know very little about how you should technically set up a shot, I got some good ones anyways, at least according to my dad (then again he is my dad). My mom wore the shirt I got her in Yellowstone that day. She seemed to like it. My dad seemed to like his Yellowstone cutting board too.
I had convinced my dad I was going to take the train home. I am Daddy's little girl and I knew full well that he would have driven me, but I didn't want him to have to go to all that trouble. That was the plan at least. We left for the train station early after stopping to give Z her present. When we got to the station the train was delayed an hour and 15 minutes. I didn't mind because I got to buy my dad a coffee, and sit around and talk with him. I really liked that. However after the coffee the train delay changed from an hour and 15 minutes to 2 1/2 and then maybe close to three or more due to a train derailment in Toledo, OH. I would have been getting home after midnight. My dad said "I can drive you and be back before then." and I thought about it, because well taking the train was a good idea, only being in bed before midnight was a much better idea. So my dad drove me, and instead of an hour coffee we got three hours together and dinner. It was kind of nice, and I told my dad about 5 times how awesome he was. He really is. I told him he could stay if he was too tired to drive home, but he said he would be fine. I talked with my mom on the phone for a bit after left, and settled in to being back in my place.
I feel like I've been adjusting me on the trip and me in my place back towards some ground that feels more level for both since then, and it's settled into a good place. I am definitely more appreciative after this trip. I am grateful for the good timing, and the grand adventures. I could say more, but I will leave that for the final thoughts and loose ends section.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The evening of 7/10/08 and the day of 7/11/08

Chapter 16: In which Liz is on her own in San Fran, and Ria returns home
I woke up early at the Hostel, but I still bummed around there until just before checkout at 11. Mostly I just spent the time feeding my internet addiction. Josh was working again, the cute guy at the desk. I bugged him a bunch of times, and always got in his line when I had an issue.
I ate breakfast with two people from Austrailia and someone from Palau. The Aussie girl said "I'm glad you're doing this. So many Americans don't travel there own country." A sentiment which I agreed with. I wish more people would us eth national park system, and explore this country a little. there are interesting people out there if you get bored of the ones right by you.
I had a nice chat with my roommate who was from Korea after that. I like the idea of Hostel's and I like that you get to meet so many different people, and it's not much more expensive than some campgrounds.
(The Hostel I stayed at)
The rest of the day I decided to spend walking up Haight street, but not before stopping on Market st to buy earrings that matched my dress, and then having wonderful vegetarian lunch nearby.
I spent the day blowing bubbles. I did my best not to blow bubbles near where people were eating, and almost everyone I met who had a reaction to the bubbles, had a positive reaction. I almost gave them away to a lady who appeared homeless, but when she realized I only had one bottle she said "no you keep em child" A bunch of people gave me smiles or positive remarks like "Everybody should have some of those today"
Whenever I went into stores I hid the bubbles by signs or by a nearby stoop. A couple times I'm pretty sure they were visible, but no one took them. It was a good day for bubbles, and a good day for my happy hippie side walking up Haight st.
I stopped at this store called the love of Ganesha to check it out.
Turns out they had a meditation room inside. So I meditated for a few minutes, and bought an inexpensive mineral afterwards.
I stopped at an anarchist bookstore which only took cash, and bought a few things.
I stopped at the Haight Ashbury intersection again long enough to get this picture
then stopped at the red victorian which is a bed and breakfast/peace cafe for a drink, and a t-shirt. I'm currently wearing the T-shirt which says
not war
not greed
not hate
not destruction
not just us
(Today while grocery shopping i got a compliment for my t-shirt and had a conversation about San Fran with the lady who complimented me)
Haight St goes pretty much right up to the edge of Golden gate park.
I toured the national aids memorial garden, and found some very nice trees in and around it.
(this last tree might have been elsewhere in the park, but it was a really good tree.)
The aids memorial grove is also where I had the one slightly negativbe comment about my bubbles. It came from a girl who looked about 14 and she said "What are you bored?" in that sarcastic way of young teenage girls. She was in a crowd, and it seemed the comment backfired as one of the boys she was with immediately defended what I was doing. I kept walking, but really thought for a moment about teenagers just randomly hanging out in the aids memorial grove. I wondered how many of them gave a thought to the disease that gave rise to this place. I hoped they occasionally looked at the sign when coming in or leaving, and took a moment to think about it.
I then headed over to the conservatory of Flowers, at which point I left my bubbles outside, and then forgot them upon leaving. I hope someone who would enjoy them found my bubbles.
The Conservatory was a greenhouse with plants of different climates and temperatures. I got some interesting shots. Oh and they had a butterfly exhibit After walking all day I was tired, so i figured out the Muni (with the help of kind locals) enough to ride it close to my mom's friend Parker, who put me up last time I was in the city. This time I just came bearing fudge. He gave me water, for which i was grateful, and we chatted a bit and I showed him a few photos. It was a brief visit, but it was nice. Then I had to head back to the hostel to catch the shuttle to the airport. I took the subway back, and grabbed pizza at a local place.
and got my stuff form the lockers at the Hostel and was off after telling the new person at the desk that he should tell Josh that he was awesome.
When I got to the airport the baggage guy gave me my boarding pass when I told him I had an E-ticket. It was very easy. Security was not as easy, because I had to dump out all the water parker had given me for my water bottle. Part of me recognizes there are risks, but another part of me thinks that this is part of a plot to get you to buy overpriced airport water, because right after the security check-in you can go by any sized water you want.
I had a nice conversation with the mother of a small child who was heading back to the Carolinas. I spent my waiting time plotting out ideas for future trips with my US map, and writing them down in my journal.
Once I did get on the plane, I fell asleep pretty quickly, which is very good for a red eye.
So after plotting out future trips in an airport, my sleeping self sailed into the epilogue of this story back on the east coast.

7/10/08 Ashland OR, Sausilito & San Fran CA.

Chapter 15: In which Liz meets Marco, and Ria and Liz part ways in San Fran.

(Again I have stuck on italics so I have to copy and paste)

Woke up at the campground in Ashland. Again I woke up early (maybe 5/6am) and got ready to face the day. Since it was the last day camping I went through all my stuff and sorted out what I was going to mail back to myself, and what I would for the next couple of days/ want to take with me to New York. I also found a place to ship the stuff.
Our campground in the morning was pretty, quiet, and had a nicely laid back vibe to it.

On our last day of travel, Ria and I actually had a fight. It was relatively small and over quickly, but I was impressed with us that we didn’t really fight before that. I had apparently tried to start one over postcards at one point before this but was too tired to really make a go of it so we ended up laughing. I remember when I was a little kid if I spent more than one night and day together with my best friend we would end up fighting horribly, and then be back to friends after a day apart. Now I didn’t expect to fight every other day (I have grown up a good bit from age 7), but considering that we were ALWAYS together with the exception of a few hours at the KOA I would not have been surprised if there were more issues. I don’t even think married people were together as much as we were in a typical couple of weeks. Then again we were both very sleep deprived as evidenced by our little nap in Dunsmir CA.

After driving for an hour, we pulled over into this tiny town and found a shaded spot on the side of the road and slept for like 45 minutes. I slept so deeply that I didn’t notice until I woke up that my arm was being stretched past the point of comfort. I had a little owwwies when I woke up. However we were right by this local drive up place with blended coffee and scones on one side and hot dogs on the other. I got the last Sun dried tomato and artichoke veggie dog they had. It was excellent. I also got some coffee. After the nap, then the food and drink I was good to go for the rest of the day.

As we drove into California the temperature outside climbed to 108. There was also a haze from the forest fires blanketing everything. I have never driven in Northern California, so I have nothing to compare it to, but it was obvious that amount of haze should not be there. We passed by helicopters loading up for water drops.

After having been through so many areas where there had been forest fires, including Yellowstone, I kind of looked at forest fires as the earths way of regenerating and cleansing itself out there. In many instances it seems natural, and I don’t have too much sadness for it. This was especially true in Yellowstone, sometimes fires just happened, and sections burned down. As long as it is not through man’s carelessness there is little to be done other than let nature cleanse, and let people contain the damage. However driving into California you could see that it was excessive. There was too much smoke and haze and there had been too many places burned. (as of 7/18/08 there were estimates between 16-38 fires left that were partially contained out of the 2000 some fires there were)

It made me wonder what it would have looked like without the fire, and whether Sausilito would have looked different. We drove into Sausalito to Marco’s studio. Marco is Ria’s ex-boyfriend. Marco was interesting.

He did beautiful work with sculpture. He seemed to listen well, and at times was blunt about his opinion. We went out for dinner to this Thai place, and I think he and I were observing each other a great deal while Ria talked. I don’t feel like I got the full sense of him. Ria said that was because he was in work mode. The impression I had is that I probably wouldn’t see the person Ria saw in him because I was not dating him. I imagine based on what I observed that he is the type of person who is wholeheartedly there for the person he is dating while he is dating them, and will continue to be a presence in their lives afterwards, but the person he is in relationships to the person he is in a relationship with is different from the person he is to the whole rest of the world. Not in a bad way, just that his relationship with Ria was obviously intense, and my impression was that other relationships of his would be too. Then in everyday life he is slightly less intense, which is probably a good thing. I am glad that he was Miss Ria’s first love, because I think she got a lot out of the relationship, and I think she will be happy with it in retrospect which is important.

After Sausalito we drove over the golden gate bridge and into San Fran.

(Obligatory palm tree shot in California, complete with haze.)

Ria and I went to Haight st and did a little shopping, and then had ice cream at the Ben and Jerry’s at the corner of Haight / Ashbury, where I gave her a Tarot reading. She said it would have been worth 40 bucks if she was a paying customer. (please note I’ve never had paying customers, but I will have to pass on the compliment to the lady I’ve taken classes from.)

Then it was time to go to the Hostel and check me in. Ria had planned to return home that night, and drop the car off in the morning. Tomtom got us to the place, and we managed to get my stuff in and bother Josh the cute guy at the desk. The place was cool, and I had good roommates. Ria said she would have liked to stay if it wouldn’t have been too much trouble in the morning. We organized a shuttle for me the next day and then we said our goodbyes. We talked about how the trip made things different. Ria also said “we touched a lot of lives” and I agreed. We hugged and Ria took off with Joey, and I wandered around the Hostel getting the flavor of the place. Ria’s epilogue had begun, and my trip still had one more chapter to it.

Just so you know we finished American Gods before the end of the trip. I don’t remember when, but we finished it sometime between southern Washington and California.

7/9/09 Seattle WA, then Portland & Ashland Oregon

Chapter 14: In which we have to say goodbye to Jacob and go off to take in the sights of Oregon.

Unfortunately I'm having trouble turning off the italics. So I have a choice between italics or something written in word and copied.
I’m going with copied.

I woke up about 7:10. Darya had already gone to work, so I never did get a Darya pic. I got dressed and started drawing. We had to take Jacob to work so I didn’t have quite enough time to finish. I will post Jacob’s poster in the epilogue once it is 100% finished and he has received it. It is 99% finished currently, but I believe I left my gold pencil under his couch, so I need to find a new gold pencil. In the mean time here are some leaving the apartment Jacob picks.

We wanted to take Jacob with us. He wanted to come with us. I think even the fates wanted him to come with us for all the wrong turns and misdirection we had trying to get him to work. However it was not to be. Alas! Jacob seems to be in the middle of a transition himself, and he is waiting and figuring things out, and in the meantime tending his responsibilities. I can respect that, but I can’t wait to go back to Seattle sometime to see how things turn out.

After leaving Jacob we headed down towards Oregon. We made it to Portland for lunch and a wander around town because we had time. I don’t know that I posted this in the last two posts, but Seattle seemed very eco-friendly to me. Portland seemed even more eco-friendly. They had a streetcar system that was free on the portion we wanted to ride, so we went to the art museum, and saw all sorts of things. I happily saw another Monet. Waterlilies this time. Ria fell in love with Portland. It was one of the first cities she could breath in without issue. I enjoyed my time there too. I finally got my sushi from whole foods in Portland, and we drove on to Ashland for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

Originally we were just going to catch the green show, but Ria found out Othello was playing and she was all about that. When I scheduled us there I had hoped we would catch a play, but wasn’t sure how things would be financially for either of us or time wise. However I was THRILLED that Ria wanted to go. And we were both thrilled to get to go to the bookshop. I had to tell Ria to get me out of there before I bought a "to thine own self be true" sign that I didn't have a place for anyway.

Before the show we got dinner and chocolate. Dinner was an amazing curry tofu sandwich from Grilla Bites. I cannot recommend this place more. They had a great variety of vegetarian food that tasted amazing.

I also got very good chocolate, completing the chocolate journey from coast to coast. (NYC, Hershey PA, Wall SD which I never ate because I left it at my parents, and Ashland Oregon)
Then we caught the end of the green show, got tickets from not exactly a scalper, but a lady with front row tickets and a son that didn’t want to attend. The only trouble was once we bought them I realized her son’s was a youth ticket, so I had to slide by without the usher’s seeing or pretend I was 17. I made up a whole backstory for my 17 year old self if asked, but managed to evade any ushers questions. I also took some pictures inside the gate which apparently is not allowed. I understood the no pictures inside the theater thing, but was surprised that these pictures weren’t allowed. You be the judge.

The show was terrific. Iago stole the show. Othello did his share of chewing the scenery in some instances, but overall did okay, and everybody else was pretty good, but Iago was riveting. He even managed to stay in character while flicking a bug off the stage. It was an open air theater, and we got to see the moon and the stars come out during the performance.

Our campsite was relatively close by, and reminded me of my childhood because it had a creek behind our site. We slept with the joy of having seen Shakespeare done well.

Next up: California

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

7/8/08 Seattle

Chapter 13: In which Curt makes a new friend, and the ladies are given some good reasons why they should return to Seattle
We woke up at a reasonable hour. I slept in past 6AM which was great. Dan is not an early riser.
I got my drawing time in, and managed to get through their tour poster, although it took a few tries to get the gears and the circle right. And even though Dan was still snoozing Brian, his housemate, made us dutch pancakes, which made for a most excellent breakfast.
It was a rather relaxed morning. Ria did get up and got dressed, but then was sucked back into sleep by Steve McQueen the cat.
After drawing I got myself ready for the day, by then it was close to 10:30, and I decided it was time to pounce Dan. Ria and I woke him up and tried to get him moving, but he almost succeeded in luring us back into sleep. Dan apparently is not so much a morning person, although he said that if his alarm clock involved two women jumping on his bed he would probably wake up more readily each morning.
Dan got coffee, and woke up while I attempted to use his computer. Dan's house comes with a learning curve, and his computer is included in that. It has two screens, and when i first got there the keyboard wasn't plugged in. The there was the fact that his keyboard is split in two with the enter and space keys in the middle. It was rather interesting.
Other aspects of the house that come with a learning curve include the non-sliding yet supposed to be sliding door between upstairs and downstairs. Steve McQueen, sensing my weakness at one point tried to make a break for it through the door. Curt wrestled him back for me, and all was well.
Before we left I finally showed Dan the scarf I had been knitting him. Before I was just telling him I had been working on present for him, but wouldn't say what. I asked him how long he wanted it, and he said as long as I could make it. (currently 7/18/08 if I hold it at the top of my 5'4" 1/2 head It comes below my knees and there is a whole ball left to knit from. I will post pictures when it is done) I also informed Dan that the scarf is 42 stitches across, and he was pleased with this.
We started our Seattle day heading for the wooden boats museum.
They show you how boats were/are made.
We wanted to go sailing, but apparently they hadn't gotten everything back together from the 4th of July celebration. So instead of Sailing we looked at boats and the water jealously. And this is when I said "Well I guess I'll just have to come back to Seattle some other time." The whens and the specifics of it are up for grabs, but some other time Seattle, Some other time.
We headed back to the house before venturing out towards the Seattle center. Where I got a better shot of the needle, and we decided because it was so hot to ride a water flume ride.
It was was fun, although we almost got stuck on one of the uphills.
After our water ride we headed for the sci-fi museum.
Complete with giant robot on top attacking the building.
Sadly there were no pictures allowed inside, but it was a pretty cool place to visit, and gave Ria and I ideas about thigns to read or see. Dan and Curt seemed to enjoy the museum as well. I think Dan and Curt bonded. I told Curt he was going to like Dan, but I underestimated how much they would end up talking about so many different subjects. Then again they are both very creative about mechanical things and into sci-fi type stuff.
After the Sci Fi museum we spent about 10 minutes in the Experience Music Project. We spent at least 9 of those 10 minutes in a theater where they were talking about Jimi Hendrix, mostly because the theater had a place where we could sit. We were kind of tired. Dan was done for the day, because he has had health issues with chronic nerve pain, and he had hit his limit. Ria gave him some massage love on the walk home.
Initially we were going to try for Pike place Market, but Jacob had gotten Ria and I tickets to see Hellboy II before it came out, and we did not have time to go to pike place, get to the airport to drop off Curt, and get to the theater. SO instead we spent some more time at Dan's house chilling and relaxing. According to Dan the biggest thing we missed was watching some guys throw fish at each other. I was okay with missing that especially since I already know I need to come back to Seattle some other time.
We dropped Curt off at the airport, safe and sound, and gave our goodbye hugs, and set him on his way.
We then attempted to find the theater where Jacob was at, and learned that Tomtom and Seattle do not get along. Ria continued to be an excellent city driver, and we got there way before the movie started. Jacob got us sandwich from the Japanese market, and I ate a noodle sandwich which I believe is called Yakisoba. I loved the fact that i was eating a noodle sandwich. I don't even remember if I liked it on taste, but on the novelty of it I was completely satisfied.
Hellboy II was a decent summer flick, and had some funny moments.
However during our screening the film broke at one point.
All our passes were free, but Jacob was demanding his non-existant money back until they fixed the issue. It was funny, because when it first happened it looked like a screen effect, but then we had to wait. Foo on waiting. It was kind of okay because I didn't get a lot of time to talk with Jacob before hand so we talked a little at the break.
By the time the show ended it was kind of late. We drove back to Jake and Daria's apartment. We ate cookies, toasted, and Jacob and Ria and I talked A LOT, yet still not quite enough. Again why I have to go back to Seattle sometime. I asked Jacob if he would read to us from American Gods and he did right before we went to sleep.
It was a very good night, and I wished it could have lasted longer. Jacob finished reading shortly after midnight, and we all went to sleep because we had to be up at a reasonable hour.
Next up: goodbyes in Seattle WA, then Portland & Ashland OR