Wednesday, June 17, 2009

5/28/09 This lesson is done.

SO the second reason I am grateful my trip got completely upended was because on the morning of the 28th I was with my friend Ria when she went to court.
Ria had a stalker. It was a guy who asked her out and she went on like 2 dates with him, got bad vibes and said "no thanks". He persisted in contacting her and harassing her so she pursued a restraining order through the courts, and when she got a temporary restraining order he backed off..... until it lapsed. Then there was more e-mails and letters. So Miss Ria finally asked for more help. She got a lawyer and asked if her friends would help her cover the legal fees. She was kind of amazed at how many people donated.

I had been planning to arrive on the 28th just in the afternoon after court. It kind of gave her something to look forward to.
But Miss Ria was still scared.

Ria is over 6 feet tall and has a black belt in a martial art. I've seen the video of her blackbelt test in which she disarms people with various styles of weapons. but somehow this man and this process made her afraid. Recently I spoke with one of our friends who was expressing his amazement that anything could make Miss Ria afraid because she is such an impressive person in so many ways. However I think everyone has that space of doubt and insecurity, and when someone else goes to the personal place and they prey on that insecurity and doubt, it can make it harder to find that center and hold ones ground.

I'm 5'5" on a good day. I'm in slightly better shape from yoga and bellydancing, but physically I'm not exactly intimidating to anyone.
However when it comes to my friends I am fierce. I have known Ria for almost 13 years. We lived together for a year in college, and so whenever my dear friend loses sight of who she is, and what her strength and heart make her capable of, I'm a very good reminder, or as Ria has said it's more like a swift kick in the butt reminder.
Besides I had let it be known that whatever lesson the universe was trying to teach my dear friend through this man's crazy actions was done. So if I had to show up and be the support in person... so be it.

Ria's friend Kate was there for court too. She'd helped Ria deal with court days multiple times before. This is Kate.
She and Ria have been supporting each other all year through their own various challenges. I'm so glad Miss Ria and Kate have had each other for support.
We both gave Miss Ria as much support as we could before going into the court, and once in the court she sat in front of me and I literally had my hands on her back until the case was called up front.
Ria's laywer was very good, very precise. It is always nice to watch someone who is good at what they do and does it for the right reasons. Ria's was the first case. the restraining order was granted for three years, with relative ease. There is a possibility he will ask to make it shorter, but that will be an issue for another day.

At the end I wanted to walk up and look that man in the eye. I wanted to give him the serious look I get when a person has really crossed me and tell him "no more" and tell him in person this was done.
But the laywer had done her job, and ours was to leave, and go have breakfast at a diner in celebration and support of Ria.
Ria said she felt empowered. I am very glad.
We went back to Ria's after brunch, hung out a bit with Kate took some deep breaths, let things out, talked about stuff and things and then and took a few pictures.

(tired Liz picture, but also good Keira the cat picture)

Then Kate had to go, so Ria and I wandered to the pond that is right near her house.
They have paddle boats there. Ria in all her years of living there had never been on those paddle boats. We decided to remedy that, and had a lovely ride around in the paddleboat.

We spent that evening at the movie Wolverine. Ria the writer wanted to rewrite the whole thing, but I figure after a stressful morning, action eye candy without much plot is just fine.
What I remember most though is the conversation we had on the way home.
Ria and I typically have good conversations, this one was again about angels.

I think this was the night Ria made the really good food, but it might have been the night before. I can't remember. I just remember that I wasn't really hungry but then the stuff she made was so good (and reasonably healthy) that I had to try it. nummy.
It was a good day, and like I said before it me being with my Ria that morning was EXACTLY where I was supposed to be.

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